Multiple choice GCSE science exam questions app. Members only (membership £1 during Covid)
Android app available now! (currently discounted down to £1.99 while the current Corona virus emergency lasts). IOS version coming soon! (about a week)

Practice makes perfect!
Generate GCSE exam level questions in easy to answer multiple choice form.
Exams don't repeat questions as exactly they have been used before.
- Other revision apps and exam papers have fixed questions - always the same. (learn the answer to just that version of that question)
- This app allows you to practice the same question again and again, and have it be different every time. (learn how to answer any question)
- Learn how to answer longer questions by putting sentences in the right order.
- Practice calculations with different variables, values and units.
- Learn exact definitions and see where easy mistakes are made.
- Practice reading questions carefully, small changes can make big differences.
See only questions relevant to your exam - Foundation or Higher, Combined or Single Subject.
Choose specific questions or have it pick randomly by topic, subject, or from all three sciences*
*Version 1.1.105 contains the full physics spec, chemistry and biology to be added soon.